Incredible command of language, imagery. This is clearly an accomplished poet. And the story was very moving, but I felt a little cheated when it ended well before her life was fully formed. It stopped when she was 15 (16?) at the birth of her first child, and I felt that that event, unlike some of the earlier ones, was glossed over, with little more than a mention.
I read this book because Ms. Angelou died and I realized I had never read anything by her, so I decided I wanted to do this one, partly out of shame, partly as a tribute to an amazing woman. I'm very glad I read it, but I'm not certain I will read any more.
I actually read only part of the book; instead I listened to the author reading it. I highly recommend this as a way to experience her writings. She has an incredible voice and she communicates her experiences personally without overly emotionalizing them.